IT Staff Augmentation, A Short-Term Solution with Long-Term Benefits

It's no secret that the IT industry is currently facing a severe skill shortage.  70% of Australian employers state they expect to be negatively impacted financially by not having access to the required skills and 52% of CIOs list the talent shortage as their primary staffing challenge.

Many companies run the risk of seeing their teams depleted when staff members go on a well-earned break or move on to another team or project. Unfortunately, cyber incidents and ill-meaning adversaries don't take a break and not having the right resources in place could have devastating consequences for those organisations. Enter staff augmentation.


What is IT Staff Augmentation

IT staffing augmentation is a recruitment strategy that entails temporarily enlisting external expertise to supplement a company's current workforce. This enables organisations to address skill shortages without committing to the recruitment of permanent staff. Particularly beneficial for businesses encountering a sudden surge in demand for specific skills or a temporary absence of key staff members but lacking the time or resources for an extensive hiring process, this method proves to be the most pragmatic solution.


  • Access to Premier IT Talent
    By incorporating external professionals into your IT team, you unlock the door to a pool of highly skilled and experienced talent that may not be easily accessible otherwise. This guarantees that your projects are entrusted to individuals who possess the exact expertise required to accomplish them successfully.
  • Significant Cost Efficiency
    IT team augmentation offers a cost-effective approach by eliminating the costs associated with hiring, training, and retaining full-time employees. Choosing to bring in external experts on a project basis can lead to significant long-term financial advantages.
  • Unmatched Flexibility
    One of the major advantages of IT team augmentation is the ability to easily adjust your team size to meet the demands of your projects. Whether you need extra resources for a specific project or need to strengthen your team during busy periods, this outsourcing approach offers unmatched adaptability and flexibility.
  • Accelerated Time to Market
    Outsourcing their IT resources empowers companies to tap into a pool of exceptional talent and effortlessly adjust their team sizes according to their needs. As a result, project timelines are accelerated, leading to swift delivery of cutting-edge products and services to the market.
  • Mitigated Risks
    By enlisting external professionals, companies can effectively mitigate the risks that come with hiring new full-time employees. This approach offers the opportunity to assess their performance and capabilities before making a more permanent decision. It provides a wise and prudent way to navigate workforce expansions while ensuring the right fit for the team.


Venn offers staff augmentation as part of its managed services catalogue. Whether you are looking for a temporary backfill or more permanent support for your team, we are here to help. Contact us to discuss how we can assist you this festive season and beyond.