ISO 27001 and 9001 accreditations for Venn IT

We are proud to announce that Venn IT is now officially ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certified.

These accreditations support the strategic direction of Venn IT and reflect our commitment to ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of client data as well as continual improvement.

According to Paul McGuinness, Head of Technical Services at Venn IT, “As our organisation grows, it was important to us to not only talk to the talk but walk the walk as well and those certifications represent Venn IT’s continuous commitment to data security and to providing the best-in-class services to our customers.”


Protecting Your Data

ISO 27001 certification is more than meeting legal and regulatory compliance. It also helps companies demonstrate to their customers and stakeholders that they take information security seriously and are committed to protecting sensitive data.

As an IT provider specialising in data protection solutions, Venn IT knows first-hand the importance of information security. “Data protection is at the core of what we do and not something we take lightly,” says McGuinness. “This is why getting ISO 27001 certified was so important to us. For our customers, it means they can have peace of mind knowing that we have implemented a robust information security management system and are taking steps to protect sensitive data.”


Exceed The Customer's Needs

On the other hand, ISO 9001 is an international standard for quality management to better understand the customers' needs, establish processes to meet those needs, and continually improve their operations. Ensuring your IT providers are ISO 9001 certified indicates that they are committed to quality and will provide reliable and efficient service.

According to McGuinness, “For Venn IT, being ISO 9001 certified reinforces our commitment to deliver tangible outcomes to our customers and to always design the right solutions for each organisation. We always strive to not simply meet our customer’s current needs but anticipate their future ones and exceed their expectations.”